
Day 2: Loss of Innocence

In various moments of my life, innocence was taken, from me and from my family. My thinking patterns form based on what was lost, and the trauma continues to form my cocoon. I see my womanhood as something to be rejected, not loved.

“The first book to blow my mind is Martin Buber’s I and Thou. I start asking myself who and what have I turned into an “it,” a “thing,” lacking any soul. And what if I think of everyone and everything as a Thou —a sacred, sentient, soulful being. Buber is the first to speak to me, shaking my world This means committing to seeing everyone as us, not them. Buber was a Hasidic Jew; however, I consider him my entry into Buddhism.”

View more about Release Me


Day 1: Origin Stories


Day 3: Individuation